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CFP---2022 Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference

Thursday, July 29, 2021 8:00 AM | Anonymous member

The Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Association (INCS) is now accepting proposals for their 2022 annual conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah from March 24-27, 2022. The theme for the 2022 annual conference is stratification: physical and social, spatial and temporal, visual and textual. INCS invites papers that consider the myriad varieties of literal and figurative layering that played out across the nineteenth century. This conference will foreground how exploratory and creative acts of digging down and building up expose new truths and generate new knowledge: both in the nineteenth century and in contemporary scholarship of the period. 

For paper proposals, send a 200-word abstract and a one-page CV to by October 8, 2021. For panel proposals, provide a brief overview of the panel in an email message and attach all paper proposals and CVs. 

For more information, visit the INCS site here: Those interested may also contact Jessica Straley ( or Leslee Thorne-Murphy ( for more information. 

Western History Association

University of Kansas | History Department

1445 Jayhawk Blvd. | 3650 Wescoe Hall

Lawrence, KS 66045 | 785-864-0860 

The WHA is located in the Department of History at the University of Kansas. The WHA is grateful to KU's History Department and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for their generous support!