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Linda Hall Library 2025-2026 Fellowships

Monday, December 02, 2024 8:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Linda Hall Library is now accepting applications for our 2025-26 fellowship program. These  fellowships provide graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and independent scholars in the  history of science and related humanities fields with financial support to explore the Library’s  outstanding science and engineering collections. Fellows also participate in a dynamic  intellectual community alongside in-house experts and scholars from other Kansas City cultural  and educational institutions. 

The Linda Hall Library holds nearly half a million monographs and more than 43,000 journal  titles documenting the history of science and technology from the 15th century to the present. Its  collections are exceptionally strong in the engineering disciplines, chemistry, and physics. In  addition, the Library boasts extensive resources related to natural history, astronomy, earth  science, environmental studies, aeronautics, life science, infrastructure studies, mathematics, and  the history of the book. 

The Library offers residential fellowships to support on-site research in Kansas City, as well  as virtual fellowships for scholars working remotely using resources from the Library’s digital  collections. Applicants may request up to four months of funding at a rate of $3,000 per month  for doctoral students and $4,200 per month for postdoctoral researchers. 

The Library is also offering several fellowships intended for specific groups of researchers: 

The National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship provides nine months of  residential funding ($5,000 per month) to a postdoctoral scholar whose research explores  the intersection of science and the humanities. 

The History of Science and Medicine Fellowship, offered in partnership with the Clendening History of Medicine Library at the University of Kansas Medical Center,  provides one month of residential funding ($3,000 per month) to a doctoral student whose  research examines the intersecting histories of science and medicine. 

The Pearson Fellowship in Aerospace History provides up to two months of residential  funding ($4,200 per month) to a postdoctoral scholar studying the history of aviation or  spaceflight. 

The Presidential Fellowship in Bibliography provides up to four months of residential  funding ($4,200 per month) to a postdoctoral scholar whose research focuses on the study  of books and manuscripts as physical artifacts. 

The Linda Hall Library is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment  and encourages members of any groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in  academia to apply for fellowship support. 

Please share this announcement with graduate students, colleagues, or anyone else who might be  interested in the Linda Hall Library’s fellowship program. All application materials are due no  later than January 17, 2025. For further information, visit the Fellowships page on our website or  e-mail

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